The project investigates the development and nature of socio-spatial exclusion. Fueled by the pursuit of neoliberal practices in decision-making, new socio-spatial formations, such as gated communities and gentrified neighborhoods, concentrations of immigrants and socially excluded localities signaled the fast development of socio-spatial inequality.
This project specifically focuses on the spaces of social exclusion, with the increasing concentration of the most vulnerable population. The spatially embedded social exclusion has developed into a phenomenon perceived by local governments as one of the major threats of urban development. It concerns especially medium and large cities in regions affected by economic decline and smaller settlements in peripheral rural areas. The project maps the most pronounced spatial concentrations of poverty and social exclusion, evaluates growing intra-urban and intra-region differences and documents developments towards continuing spatial concentration of socially vulnerable population.
The data analysis is further enhanced by analyses of perception (interviews with key stakeholders) and representation (analysis of media discourse) and through field inquiry in identified localities of social exclusion.
BOUZAROVSKI, Stefan, Luděk SÝKORA a Roman MATOUŠEK (2016) Locked in post-socialism: rolling path dependencies in Liberec’s district heating system. Eurasian Geography and Economics.
STANILOV, Kiril a Luděk SÝKORA, eds (2014) Confronting Suburbanization: Urban Decentralization in Postsocialist Central and Eastern Europe. Studies in Urban and Social Change. Wiley-Blackwell.
PETROVÁ, Saška, Darina POSOVÁ, Adam HOUSE a Luděk SÝKORA (2013) Discursive Framings of Low Carbon Urban Transitions: The Contested Geographies of 'Satellite Settlements' in the Czech Republic. Urban Studies, 2013, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1439–1455.
SÝKORA, Luděk and Stefan BOUZAROVSKI (2012) Multiple Transformations: Conceptualising Post-Communist Urban Transition. Urban Studies, 2012, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 41–58.
STANILOV, Kiril and Luděk SÝKORA (2012) Planning, Markets and Patterns of Residential Growth in Post-Socialist Metropolitan Prague. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 2012, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 278-291.
2019-2022: Vývojová dynamika segregace a sociálního vyloučení v území
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